Welcome, brave traveler!
This new collection begins with Expeditionary Company, a gigantic gamebook, divided into three books, with more than 3000 sections. You will enjoy for hours and hours! More than a gamebook, it is a parallel life.

Top review: AshQuest
AshQuest (YouTube channel where you will find fantasy gaming, tabletop dungeon crawlers, gamebooks, news and unboxings, and more) talks about Expeditionary Company in detail. AshQuest: You’ve created an incredibly detailed and infinitely replayable campaign that ambitiously expands on the coolest concepts from gamebooks.
Two types of travel
Guarding Contracts & Trading Journeys
Escort passengers or sell goods in other cities! You choose, but you will always have 13 guards to design your caravans. However, you’ll also have the possibility to design your own guard.
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A whole world to discover

Supplements I, now on sale: New rules and sections (549 in total)
A gigantic map
Travel through the Zekáinar Lands
- Download the map of the continent.
- Get the map of Elmuria.
- Study the roads and highways.
Three books are not enough
Because we have so much to offer, we want more. Therefore, the authors have published new supplements, which will expand the world and game possibilities even more. However, keep in mind that the three basic books contain everything you need to play. The Zekáinar Lands need you!
- Do you want more products to buy at the souk?
- Would you like to travel along new terrains?
- If you want to suggest something to the authors, don't hesitate... Contact us!
Did you know that Expeditionary Company has its own Original Soundtrack?
Learn how to play
Little by little, we will publish new videos that will teach you how to play in an easy and fun way. Learn how to travel through the roads of the Zekáinar Lands, discover how to bet on dice and how to participate in gladiator fights and horse races. Stay tuned for more news!
Are you tired of playing alone?
Expeditionary Company can be played in pairs
Discover the different game modes, which will present you with new challenges. In addition, you will not have to face these challenges alone, since you can play with another person.
Latest news
Original Soundtrack / Banda Sonora Original
With all our gratitude and admiration, the authors would like to thank Arbutusland for composing the Original Soundtrack of Expeditionary Company. Thanks to his talented work, you can now enjoy […]
Amazon.com ships worldwide / Envíos a todo el mundo
Para todos aquellos interesados que están preguntando por nuestros librojuegos desde diferentes países del mundo, Amazon.com hace envíos a todo el Continente Americano. Esto incluye todos los países de habla […]
Write a review on Amazon / Deja tu comentario
When you finish reading a book, please leave a review on Amazon. As the image indicates (in Spanish), it is very important for the authors. They learn a lot from […]
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